Dear 🐺🦐🐇🐳🐡🦑🐧🐛🐞🐌 and 🐠!
We would like to invite you to Bike_Jesus
for another chapter of the SUB✼MERGED underwater fantasy series.
It will take place inside and around Bike_Jesus on the 12th of November 2022.
Without revealing too much, you can look forward to the combination of performance, concert and club night (blurring lines between sound art, sculpture, live set, djing, electronic, acoustic, food pop-up, visual mapping, joggling and more).
The number of days left is little.
The excitement is BIG!
Hope to meet each other soon!
~* glory affairs
Vážení 🐺🦐🐇🐳🐡🦑🐧🐛🐞🐌 a 🐠!
Rádi bychom Vás pozvaly*i do další kapitoly ze série podvodní fantazie SUB✼MERGED.
Bude se konat uvnitř a kolem Bike_Jesus 12.listopadu 2022.
Bez toho, aniž bychom toho prozradily*i moc, můžete se těšit na kombinaci performance, koncertového a klubového večera (rozmazávání hranic mezi zvukovým uměním, sochou, živým vystoupením, djingem, elektronickým, akustickým, jídelním pop-upem, vizuálním mapováním, žonglováním a více.
Počet zbývajících dnů je malý.
Nadšení je VELIKÉ!
Doufáme v brzké shledání!
~* glory affairs
P.S. If you struggle financially, reach us at in advance and we can figure something out.
Use this consciously since the expenses to make this event are not small. <3
P.S. Pokud jste ve finančních nesnázích, prosím ozvěte se předem na a něco společně vymyslíme. Použijte toto prosím, pokud je opravdu potřeba, jelikož výdaje na pokrytí této události nejsou malé. <3
¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U {dj set}
photos by Jun Yokoyama (@yokoching)
"Versatility does not even come close to describing how the humble Japanese ¥ØU$UK€¥UK1MAT$U is considered to be one of the best DJs in the world by many of his peers. From his debut at DJ Nobu’s FUTURE TERROR event to performing 3 years consecutively at Berlin Atonal Festival, Yukimatsu’s sets have to be heard for you to understand."
full interview link:
{live performance~sculpture}
'In my personal art practice I am perceiving myself being a mountain that is learning how to become the sand to be able to fill any kind of form, follow the wind, disappear and dissolve into the environment, inner and outer, virtual and analog.
Different kinds of matter and the process of 'mattering' is one of my latest explorations that is related to time-based, audio-visual or performative practices. I apply ideas of virtual & material to the personal experience and collective dreaming, connecting it with social and environmental questions, where these substances are inter-connected with the idea of transformative potential and fluidity.
I am giving a big value to research that includes interviews, interactions with people, travels in different areas, body practices and experiments like non-verbal communication, telepathy, collective sleeping sessions, where re-search becomes also re-finding, re-forgetting, re-perceiving, re-inter-acting, re-mattering.
Being originally from Belarus I am part of organisational team of International festival of performative art “PERFORMENSK” in Belarus, that is focusing on the presentation of international european artists in Minsk, and on knowledge exchange with Belarusian artists. Currently, as a reaction on political situation “PERFORMENSK” team had opened solidarity art archive.
Since 2018 I am also a co-fonder and a part of the artists cluster 𝑂𝑈𝑇𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐸𝐼𝑁𝐼𝑁𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐸𝑂𝑈𝑇𝐼𝑁𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐸𝑂𝑈𝑇𝑂𝑈𝑇𝑆𝐼𝐷𝐸𝐼𝑁, where artists are based both in Prague and Berlin. The main interest of the project is to experiment with new cosmologies on social and environmental justice of the post-anthropocene world, where we explore the ideas of human-technology-nature relationship and collaborative art through laboratory with self-organised structure for artists&researchers in a natural environment located on the Czech-German border, the space opened to experiments with focus on thematic happenings, site-specific audio & visual installations.'
> bc:
> ig: @ay_la_yak
> sc: Ay Lak
{live performance~sculpture}
{live performance~sculpture}
'Having been a musician from an early age, I have always been attracted to experimenting with musical language and expanding its techniques. I quickly focused on drums and percussion instruments, understanding that they were privileged tools to explore the close relationship between vibration and gesture. The drums being an instrument where each member can be an actor in the sound process, and this in a direct way and not by a gestural combination. Because of its coordination of movements and the need to have a good body anchorage, this instrument is finally very close to the practice of martial arts. I taught drums for a few years in a music school in Grenoble, and I always started my lessons with one or two kata of qi kong or kung fu. I could appreciate the difference in the preparation of my students with and without this moment of introduction to the harmony between gesture and breathing,
allowing to stimulate the connection with the void.
Many percussionists in search of sound use the rubbing technique. Whether it be through a bow or directly on the membrane or another sound body. Like them, I tried for a long time in this direction, until I simply realized that it was impossible to explore the depth of a vibration in these conditions of movement, that of a gesture going out and another for the obligatory return, interrupting the continuity of the first and then the second*.
Like the impact of the backwash of a wave.
That's when I started to do my first circulatory walks, around a drum studied as a vibratory amplification.
It was a few years after I started presenting this project on the continent that I, during an action in the south of France, met a writer who came to ask me:
<< ...Do you know what you are doing? >>
Yes, I think I do, I resonate the space and what it contains by using an acoustic amplifier and the reflections of the surrounding surfaces...
<< yes he said, you do that, but also another thing that in Latin is called circumanbulation, I am an ethnologist and I have been working for several years on this subject... >>
I have remained in contact with this man and the documents he sent me afterwards helped me to better understand the phenomena that were difficult to explain.
Over the last twelve years I have developed this unique technique of drumming, and I have had the opportunity to perform actions in places that are sometimes very old, charged with the past.*² This has sometimes had consequences, both on the visible and present audience, and on other parallel dimensions... So I can affirm today that this vibratory practice has the capacity to open what could be described as a vortex.
A connection between the earth and the sky and I am only one of the agitators of one of these ancestral processes.
Last summer I was invited as a "pedagogical expert" to lead with others an artist residency in Stalt Wehlen, near the Czech border. At first I proposed a workshop that was familiar to me, based on the observation of cognitive biases and the possibility of interpreting them,*3 but I quickly interrupted this work because many people were asking me for an initiation to my drumming technique. Until now I had been reluctant to let people I didn't know touch my objects, considering that everything is fluid and magnetic energy. I have therefore overcome this fear, even if it may require some work afterwards. I have often wondered about the impact that the mystification and sacredness of objects and rituals can create.
Considering that everything remains within reach of everyone, it is only a question of will, faith or obedience.' <>
Iryna Drahun
{capturing sub*merged 2
through photographs}
{dj set~sculpture}
lizwiz is a part of Glory Affairs. She shapes different materials including bioplastics, wires and beads and uses various techniques of sewing, knitting, weaving. Often playing behind the decks of Planeta Za and blending various sounds of different times and backgrounds.
> web
> ig : @lizwiz__
Lidya Arinna Emir
{live movement~joggling}
"Lidya Arinna Emir is an interdisciplinary artist, focused on trash visuals, animating and clicking things in softwares until they make some kind of sense and juggling. She has been throwing balls in the air for years now and she is still committed."
línej karel
{food pop~up}
"AHOJAHOJ, posílám texty a fotky k línýmu karlovi: Pro ty co jestě neznají nebo nesledují nejnovější trendy ze světa bychom rádi představili Karla:Karel se ještě hledá a nejede na plný obrátky, ale už teď se ti může představit ve dvou formách, a to jako dehydrovanej gábl AKA Línej Karel (o kterym si můžeš více zjistit na našem IG @linejkarel), a nebo chálky na akce a akcičky. Karlově pohostinnosti už jste si měli šanci užít na akcích jako je lunchmeat, Bukolika a nyní má tu čest být i součástí této libové záležitosti pod taktovkou Glory Affairs. Karel je fellák a je velice chutného a navíc rostlinného původu…takže si teď můžeš ke skvělýmu (nejen) hudebnímu zážitku přičíst iexplozi chuťovejch buněk AKA gastronomický zážitek, aneb čekaj tě chálky."
Mor Wen
{live performance~dj set~sculpture}
Maa Ry Nguyen is part of a changing group of collaborating friends of Glory Affairs, an entity combining various forms of audiovisual art. Her wish is to co-create connections between beings through changing interactive genre-free sites for solidarity, self-expression through sound, movement, imaginative cooking, painting, sculpture, costume, performance, shifting domestic environments and light-hearted humor. She shares cooking and movement gatherings with participants regardless of previous experiences and categories.
Maa Ry is part of the Ankali and Planeta Za collective, whose space now houses the Glory Affairs studio. She performs as a musician, a DJ, and a performer under the name Mor Wen. She is a resident of Gravity Network, a network of European music venues.
> web : more
> ig : @ujdeto
> sc: mor_wen
{live performance~sculpture}
Qow, aka Omar El Sadek is an audiovisual artist specialising in electronic sound design and animated visuals. His works focus mainly on documenting the fragile nature of his surroundings, including himself. He takes a similar visual approach, investing in poetic imperfections and unexpected intimacies. This principal appears mostly through his collaborations with artists such as MSYLMA & Ismael, ZULI, Drew Mcdowall and KNOW V.A. His works have been previously exhibited at audiovisual festivals such as Unsound Festival 2019, Lunchmeat Festival 2020 and Rewire Festival 2022. Omar is part of Glory Affairs and SHAPE platform artists 2022.
> web : more
> ig : @elsadekomar
> bandcamp : dawafer
{live performance~sculpture}